![]() "PLR is the Affordable Way to Get Your Content. Here's the Source You Need for Fresh IM Articles and Reports!"For some, write-for-hire is just too expensive for the content desired. You may need something that delivers good quality, but doesn't need to be created exclusively for you. Many marketers have learned the value of Private Label Rights content for their articles, Autoresponder series, Web pages and Blog posts. PLR content is an economical way to begin your research into a new product or service, creating a foundation for your own content or just saving time you would otherwise have spent researching, writing and editing your own work.
My Current Offerings:The Internet Marketing PLR articles you'll find here are a limited offering -- only 100 licenses have been created for these articles. The first 50 have been issued privately. These last 50 licenses are strictly limited. After the last has been sold, the download will be deactivated automatically by e-junkie.com. This automated delivery and control means you won't have to worry about buying something that will be "diluted" by hundreds or thousands of other users with the same product.
Hi, I'm Vince Runza and you are hopeful - "Could this be good stuff?" You need good content, now, but you don't want to waste your money on more "fluff" that doesn't deliver the goods. You'd pay good money for good work, and you're tired of flushing your cash down the toilet, along with the crap articles you've bought in the past.*If* you, like me, have waded through some of the stuff that passes for "new" PLR content, only to find out it's just repurposed junk from the last round of rewritten, cardboard-flavored articles and reports, ask yourself this:
What if you could get fresh articles from a ghostwriter that writes at least 6,000 words of solid content every working day? Content that gets rave reviews and repeat orders? Content which comes from the "core competence" of a working Internet Marketer? Content which you need, RIGHT NOW, for your marketing, planning and personal improvement? Click here to buy The Whole Thing Instantly!
Here are just a few words about the content: "Engaging!", "Lucid!", "Striking!", "Entertaining!", "Seductive!", "Amazing!", "Brilliant!", "Friendly!", "Compelling!" - Roget's Thesaurus Okay, seriously, here are some testimonials and reviews from living people: "...they are really kick ass" Testimonial from Jo Han Mok: "Hey Vince: Got it... thanks! I've looked through your articles, and they are really kick ass." Jo Han Mok "Tremendous value!" Review from Willie Crawford: "Great articles Vince. Tremendous value!" Thanks, Willie "Your articles get 10/10 as far as I'm concerned." Testimonial from ecoverguru: It blows me away! Just wanted to say how impressed I was with these articles. I bought lots of IM articles in the past.. but I must say the quality and quantity of these articles is TOP-Notch. Your articles get 10/10 as far as I'm concerned. Keep them coming, I'll keep buying them. because I'm probably one of your most satisfied customers. "...one of the few that write good IM articles" Review from briankoz: Vince has some awesome articles here. He's one of the few writers who I consider to be at the top of their game. He's also one of the few that write good IM articles -- that's an even more rare find. The value he has in this package is definitely not one to pass up. Brian "...your work is one of the few that I truly recommend to my friends" Testimonial from Melvin Ng: Hey Vince Just wanted to let you and my fellow warriors know that your work is one of the few that I truly recommend to my friends for quality ghostwriting. It's that good! Bought one of your packages before and I'm impressed. And the fact that you're limiting to 100 licenses is even better. Keep it up! - Melvin Here are the categories and article titles: IM Basics: *Internet Marketing: Not a Business, a Way of Doing Business *Exploring the Internet Marketing World *Internet Marketing Pitfalls: If It Sounds Too Good to Be True... *Internet Marketing Education: Free or Paid? *Market Research - Finding Niches, Buyers and Profits *Is This Your Hobby, or Is This Your Business? *If You Have No Idea Where to Start -- Start Here with Bum Marketing! *Small Is the New Big: Narrowing Down Your Focus *Getting started - Ready, Fire, Aim *Once You've Gotten Started, Don't Quit! IM Business Planning: *If You Fail to Plan, Plan on Failing *Defining Your Business - Anything Does NOT Go! *Budgeting and Business Planning: Control Costs and Stay Profitable *Learn to Be SMART in Your Business Planning *SWOT -- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats *Creating the Drafts of Your Business Plan: KISS *Hiring a Business Planner for Creating Your Plan *Regular Reviews & Revisions of Your Business Plan = Greater Rewards *Take It to the Bank: Using Your Business Plan to Get a Loan *Your Other Plans: Action, Advertising, Marketing, Networking, etc. IM to the Masses - Non-IM Niches and Customers: *Consumer Internet Marketing: Why You Should Avoid the IM Customer *Selling Physical Products: Pick, Pack and Ship for Profit *Turn Your Passion into Profits: Arts, Crafts and Hobbies *Information Products: Digital Downloads, CD's, DVD's and Books *Niche Markets -- a Small, Rabid Following of Buyers *Affiliate Marketing -- Selling OPP (Other People's Products) *Building a List of Buyers - Repeating Your Sales Message is Profitable! *"Doing eBay" -- Selling to the Largest Marketplace in the World *"Take from the Rich, Give to the Poor" -- Us Poor! *Advanced Customer Service: Keep the Good Ones, Fire the Bad Ones! IM Business to Business - Selling Shovels to the Gold Miners: *Incest is Best -- or Is It? *Your Expertise: Don't Fake It -- Make It First! *Do What You do Best -- Use Your Core Competence *Marketing Your Services -- Cheapest Ain't Always Best! *Tech Services -- Web Sites and Graphics and Scripts: OH MY! *Writing for Profit -- Give Ransom Notes a Run for their Money! *Freelancing -- Underpromise, Overdeliver and Cover Your Butt! *Managing a Team of Service Providers -- Brokering and Arbitrage *Peer Networks: Leveraging Your Expertise *Evangelical Customers: Creating a Buzz by "Wowing" the Market IM Growth and Success: *Have Your Vision Checked Regularly: Know Where You're Going *Scaling up Your Business: How NOT to Paint Yourself into a Corner *Automation: Eliminate Human Error, Increase the Personal Touch *Beyond Automation -- the Half-Hour Work Week *Eliminate the Unnecessary: Say Goodbye to Time-Wasters *Master Mind Groups -- Way Beyond Networking *Self-branding -- Making a Name for Yourself *Outsourcing: Paying Others to do Your Chores *Guru or Ghost -- High vs Low Visibility *How Big is Big Enough? Click here to buy The Whole Thing Instantly! This is an excerpt from "Small Is the New Big: Narrowing Your Focus" in "IM Basics": Here's a big secret to Internet Marketing success: find a narrow and deep niche of buyers and earn their love and respect. This is not just a nice idea; it's a hard-nosed, practical strategy for long-term growth and stability. Niche domination is the key to creating a stream of revenue that resists economic downturns, recessions and seasonal ups-and-downs. Even if your business is seasonal (i.e. holiday related), you can make sales year 'round, if you "train" your customers to buy according to your schedule. Here's the dealio: Just click on the link below and you'll be able to buy The Whole Thing, in .DOC and .TXT format, Zipped up and ready for your editing. You'll get all 5 batches for
Here's the articles' PLR license:
You must rewrite them before using them - 30% minimum You cannot resell them or give them away "as is" -- no PLR, MRR or RR You can put your name on your own rewrites You may use these on paid membership sites, NOT on free membership sites and NOT on auction sites. I will hunt you down and shoot your dog if you mess with my copyright! Contact me Here |